Επιστροφή στο Forum : Στην μνήμη του Sheck Exley

01-04-09, 13:12
Για να θυμούνται οι παλιοί και να μαθαίνουν οι νεότεροι.

Σαν σήμερα πριν από 60 χρόνια γεννήθηκε ο πρωτοπόρος της σπηλαιοκατάδυσης Sheck Exley.

Σαν σήμερα πριν 15 χρόνια την ίδια μέρα των γενεθλίων του άφησε την τελευταία του πνοή επιστρέφοντας από βιαθιά σπηλαιοκατάδυση από τα -300μ.


Ο Sheck έζησε και πέθανε πραγματοποιώντας τα όνειρα του. Σε αυτούς του ξεχωριστους ανθρώπους δεν χωράνε θρήνοι παρά μόνο εκτίμηση και μνήμη για αυτό που άφησαν.

Με αφορμή την επαίτειο αυτή και ως φόρος τιμής στον σπουδαίο αυτό άνθρωπο του αφιερώσαμε τον πρώτο PASCR code of conduct:

PASCR Users Code of Conduct 1.0/09
A voluntary set of guidelines for safe PASCR diving

Dedicated to the memory of the late Sheck Exley*, April 1, 1949 – April 6, 1994.

Although PASCR diving is well established and continues to evolve, there is currently no set of agreed operational guidelines. This code of conduct was initiated in the Rebreather World Forum and was developed with the help of many individuals throughout the PASCR user’s community and based on what is perceived as the "best practices".

1. Get proper Rebreather training and dive within your training limitations. Dive Analysis & planning, is the key learning process.
2. Standardize mixes and repeated profiles.
3. Finish 100hrs of Rebreather time before continue in advanced or deco levels.
4. Listen for the injectors firing and bubbles on exhale "Feel the system - Hear the system - Breath the system."
5. If in doubt, change to the open circuit and bailout.
6. On the surface - open circuit.
7. Do not use from the surface on the rebreather gases that contain lower than 50%O2.
8. Do frequent breaks for sanity breaths from the open circuit.
9. Air is not a gas option for PASCR dives.
10. Use a scooter to reduce effort/WOB/CO2 retention.
11. Avoid diving with OC guys while using a Rebreather.
12. Always keep 1 hour scrubber left for emergencies.
13. Do not unpack absorber between dives.
14. Use only Soda-lime rated for rebreather, based on max CO2 retention efficiency.
15.On extended range dives or whenever is possible keep backmount tanks as a bailout reserve by driving the rebreather from a stage bottle.
16. Do not dive a PASCR without BOV.
17. Always make sure that buoyancy devices can support a competed flooded unit.

* It has been 15 years since the loss of the great Sheck Exley. He was one of the key individuals responsible for developing and applying "accident analysis" to cave diving. His book, Basic Cave Diving: A Blue Print for Survival is a required reading for all technical divers. In 2009 Sheck would have been 60 years old.



01-04-09, 14:12

Ο Sheck ειναι απο τους ανθρωπους που πηγανε τα πραγματα λιγο παραπερα (εως πολυ).
Ας μεινει φωτεινο παραδειγμα για ολους τους επομενους εξερευνητες και επιστημονες!!!