Επιστροφή στο Forum : Red Sea live link-up to Copenhagen conference TV show

18-12-09, 15:26
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Red Sea live link-up to Copenhagen conference TV show

Underwater footage of the Red Sea will be beamed to the climate conference base of Copenhagan in Denmark as a part of a live TV show calling for policy makers to act now to prevent the death of coral reefs. Marine biologist and filmmaker Frank Schweikert links up with a forum of conservationists in Copenhagen, with underwater footage and interviews with CDWS chairman Hesham Gabr and experienced dive instructor Cath Bates about the impact of climate change on Red Sea life.

The footage of above and below the water in Sharm el Sheikh will be shown tomorrow night (18 December) at 9pm Egypt time (7pm GMT) on the conservation channel Stupid Show at www.stupidshow.tv.

Schweikert said it is essential to draw policymakers' attention to the critical situation of coral reefs.
‘Even if politicians decide on a two degree [global temperature increase] limit in Copenhagen, it still means the end for most coral reefs,’ he said. ‘We cannot afford to destroy an ecosystem before we even got to know of it. Of the estimated 1.5 million creatures, only about ten per cent are known to us today.’

Presented by documentary filmmaker Franny Amstrong, highly acclaimed for her hard-hitting climate change film The Age of Stupid, the Stupid Show highlights the major impact the World Climate Conference in Copenhagan will have globally. The Stupid Show is supported by UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme).

The idea to show live pictures from a coral reef at the prime time of the Stupid Show came about after Armstrong met Schweikert on a train on the way to the global conference. Schweikert has been working for the past 20 years with research and media organisation ALDERBARAN (www.aldebaran.org) to highlight mari ne conservation issues. All 2010 projects of Hamburg-based ALDEBARAN are dedicated to the International Year of Biodiversity (IYB).

‘There are 5,000 media entities involved [with the climate change conference], but nobody is doing something as exciting as filming from a coral reef,’ said Armstrong.

The coverage from the reef in Egypt is supported by Camel Dive Club at the Ibrotel, Sharm el Sheikh. The web transmitter was provided by ESL GmbH, ESD GmbH & ESS Hanika GmbH, Barsbόttel, Germany. Don’t miss the programme 18 December at 9pm (7pm GMT)
www.stupidshow.tv (http://www.stupidshow.tv).

19-12-09, 14:24
Ευχαριστώ Μάντα!!!
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