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Παλιά 09-04-08, 12:29
Το avatar του χρήστη Physalia
Physalia Physalia is offline
Μέλος του Συλλόγου ΤΗΘΥΣ
Εγγραφή: 29-01-2007
Περιοχή: Αθήνα
Μηνύματα: 5.525
Απάντηση: Ο δύτης που έφερε στο φως τον θησαυρό των ιπποτών

Υπάρχει αυτό το περίεργο άρθρο Searching for Wrecks in Greece

στο οποίο μεταξύ άλλων αναφέρονται τα εξής:

Official rewards for accidental finds
Incidentally, the Greek authorities do give a Good Samaritan’s reward for any finds made by chance. The highest reward the Ministry of Culture ever paid out was to a fisherman who discovered an ancient Greek female statue off the island of Kalymnos in 1995. The authorities went back to the site and uncovered a shipwreck and the fisherman got EUR 440,000. Another lucky fisherman received EUR 300,000 after finding a horde of 50,000 silver-plated copper coins off the coast of Astypalaia.
Of course, these rewards are only for accidental discoveries: treasure hunters are usually slapped with an almighty scandal, a fine and if the Greeks can possibly help it, some jail time. Still, given the high value of these shipwrecks, the sheer vastness of the coastline and the increasing availability of sophisticated equipment, the authorities are going to have an extraordinarily trying time protecting and preserving the sunken remains from the ever-present menace of treasure hunters
The fish doesn't think because the fish knows everything
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