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Γυναίκα και Κατάδυση
οχι για μενα αλλα γενικα ετσι κατι ειχε παρει το αυτι μου ... αλλα δεν θυμαμαι και πολλα
Απάντηση: γυναικα και καταδυση?
καλά τα πάμε..... την παλεύουμε!
The fish doesn't think because the fish knows everything |
Απάντηση: γυναικα και καταδυση?
αν μου το επιτρεπετε, εχω να δηλωσω οτι γυναικα και καταδυση ειναι οτι πιο ενδιαφερον μου εχει τυχει στη ζωη μου....
Απάντηση: γυναικα και καταδυση?
The fish doesn't think because the fish knows everything |
Απάντηση: γυναικα και καταδυση?
αλήθεια τι θελει να πει ο ποιητής?
Απάντηση: γυναικα και καταδυση?
θελω να πω οτι περα απο την πλακα σας .....εχει να κανει και με καποια
ιατρικα θεματα η ''γυναικα και καταδυση'' ...απλα αν γνωριζετε κατι ...τιποτα αλλο ο ποιητης. περιοδο ,εγκυος, ταμπον , χαπια αντυσυληψης,φυσιολογηκες και ψυχολογηκες γενικα ανατομικα θεμαματα και διαφορες μεταξυ αντρα και γυναικας |
Απάντηση: γυναικα και καταδυση?
aaaaa ok ....
λοιπον εχουμε και λεμε καταδυση και περιοδος... Αν η κοπελα κατα τη διαρκεια της περιοδου της κολυμπαει , γενικως δραστηριοποιειται στο νερο , τοτε καλλιστα μπορει να καταδυθει με προφανη την αναγκαιοτητα για ταμπον (το οποιο δεν στεγανοποιει την περιοxη, δεν ειναι δηλαδη ωτοασπιδα ωστε να δημιουργει προβληματα εξισωσης...) Καταδυση και εγκυμοσυνη Δεν προτεινεται! Καταδυση και αντισυλληψη Ειναι γνωστη η θρομβωτικη δραση των αντισυλληπτικων (και κατα συνεπεια οι θεωρητικες επιπλοκες στην διαδικασια απαζωτοσης) ομως δεν υπαρχει ερευνα που να τεκμηριωνει περα απο καθε αμφιβολια οτι δεν πρεπει να συνδυαζεται η καταδυση με την αντισυλληψη μεσω χαπιων.... ΕΔΩ ΙΣΩΣ ΘΑ ΕΠΡΕΠΕ ΝΑ ΜΑΣ ΒΟΗΘΗΣΟΥΝ ΟΙ ΣΥΝΔΥΤΡΙΕΣ ΚΑΙ ΝΑ ΜΑΣ ΠΟΥΝ ΑΝ ΓΝΩΡΙΖΟΥΝ ΚΑΤΙ ΤΕΤΟΙΟ... Καταδυση και γυναικα συνολικα Συμφωνα με τα βιβλια που εχω διαβασει παρολες τις σημαντικες διαφορες στην φυσιολογια δεν υπαρχουν ικανες ενδειξεις-αποδειξεις που να οριζουν διαφορετικη καταδυτικη συμπεριφορα σε νορμαλ συνθηκες (απουσια ασθενειων , εγκυμοσυνης κλπ) αναμεσα στα 2 φυλα Παραθετω μερικα αρθρα απο την DAN From Alert Diver, European Edition, II quarter 1999 PREGNANCY Fitness and Diving Issues: There are few scientific data available regarding diving while pregnant: much of the available evidence is anecdotal. Some retrospective survey-type questionnaires have been performed, but these are limited by data interpretation. Nevertheless, researchers theorize that diving is in some ways similar to taking a drug: the pharmacological effects of nitrogen or other inert gases and high oxygen partial pressure on a developing fetus are not completely known. There is the possibility that diving may induce bubbles in the fetus. Also, fluid retention during pregnancy may cause nasopharyngeal swelling, which can lead to nose and ear stuffiness and the risk of ear or sinus squeezes. Pregnant women experiencing morning sickness, coupled with motion sickness, may have to deal with nausea and vomiting during a dive. This is at best an unpleasant experience, and it could lead to more serious problems if the diver panics. Due to the limited data available and the uncertainty of the effects of diving on a fetus, it is recommended that scuba diving should be postponed until after the pregnancy. RETURN TO DIVING AFTER GIVING BIRTH Fitness and Diving Issues: After a vaginal delivery, women can usually resume light to moderate activity within one to three weeks. Obstetricians generally recommend avoiding sexual intercourse and immersion for 21 days postpartum. This allows the cervix to close, decreasing the risk of introducing infection into the genital tract. A good rule of thumb is to wait four weeks after delivery before returning to diving. After a cesarean delivery wound-healing has to be included in the equation. Most obstetricians advise waiting at least four to six weeks after this kind of delivery before resuming full activity. Given the need to regain some measure of lost conditioning, coupled with wound healing, and the significant weight-bearing load of carrying dive gear, it's advisable to wait at least eight weeks after a C-section before returning to diving. Any moderate or severe medical complication of pregnancy - such as twins, pre-term labor, hypertension or diabetes - may further delay return to diving. For women who have had deliveries with medical complications, a medical screening and clearance are advisable before they return to diving. Additional Information: Caring for a newborn may interfere with a woman's attempts to recover her strength and stamina. Newborn care, characterized by poor sleep and fatigue, is a rigorous and demanding time in life. BREAST-FEEDING Fitness and Diving Issues: From the standpoint of the child, the mother's breast milk is not unduly affected. The nitrogen absorbed into the body tissues is an inert gas and plays no role in body metabolism. Insignificant amounts of this nitrogen would be present in the mother's breast milk; there is, however, no risk of the infant accumulating this nitrogen. From the mother's standpoint, there is no reason for a woman who is breast-feeding her child to avoid diving, provided there is no infection or inflammation of the breast. DIVING AFTER ABORTION Indeed an interesting question and an uncommon one too! The problems related to a surgically operated termination are the usual ones conected with any surgery: i.e. the possibility of hemorrhagic or septic complications, etc. Furthermore, it is normally advised to refrain from sexual activities involving vaginal penetration for a period ranging from 30 to 40 days, depending on the kind of surgery performed. This period may be significantly less in the case of a termination performed by suction. This recommendation is due to the increased risk of infection of the uterus, during the recovery and healing period after the termination. Theoretically an unprotected dive in possibly polluted or contaminated waters could also lead to a similar increased risk. Practically speaking, the protection assured by a diving suit, especially if it is a dry suit, should eliminate this possibility. For extra precaution, in case of a wet suit is used - especially if it is a light wet suit used in tropical waters - an extra external protection, such as a tight fitting swimming suit holding a layer made of sanitary pads, or even a uterine diafragm, may be considered. If the precautions against the risk of infection are duly taken, the non diving interval may be minimal and related to the time necessary to resume a normal life and to assure that there are no post termination acute complications (a few days). SILICON IMPLANTS Question: Today I have been asked a question that I have not been able to find an answer to. I have a student who has silicon implants to her breasts, for cosmetic reasons, would there or could there be any risk to her , if she was to take up sports diving? Answer: There is very limited information about the mechanical resistance of silicon mammary implants when scuba diving, but it would appear that they do not represent a significant problem and that the general satisfactory safety and reliability of breast implants may be considered valid also while scuba diving. General precautions inlcude care to avoid any hard impact or mechanical trauma. On the contrary there is a real and frequent possibility of bubble formation inside the implant, but this does not imply any significant negative side effect, as the event is and remains limited within the implant itself and does not normally produce any damage. This applies to both pure silicon and to fluid-silicon implants. Intratissutal silicon injections may also be subject to internal bubble production, with time constants that may differ from those of the surrounding tissues. However, the fact that the injected silicon communicates freely with the surrounding tissues, a free gas exchange can be assumed, without any significant added risk. Τελευταία επεξεργασία από το χρήστη ΓΙΩΡΓΟΣ ΔΕΛΒΕΡΟΥΔΗΣ : 28-08-07 στις 15:56. |
Απάντηση: γυναικα και καταδυση?
Απάντηση: γυναικα και καταδυση?
Συνήθως καταναλώνουν και λιγότερο αέρο λόγο του μικρότερου όγκου στους πνευμονές τους.
“The happiness of the bee and the dolphin is to exist. For man it is to know that and to wonder at it.” Jacques Cousteau Why can't I just dive more often! http://www.postimage.org/aV2OmUL0.jpg |
Απάντηση: γυναικα και καταδυση?
Σε περίπτωση πάντως που το αποφασίσετε για οποιονδήποτε λόγο, λάβετε υπόψη σας και την εξής παράγραφο από το Deeper into Diving, John Lippmann: Παράθεση:
The fish doesn't think because the fish knows everything |
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Τρόποι εμφάνισης | |