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Παλιά 12-04-08, 17:47
Το avatar του χρήστη Normoxic Diver
Normoxic Diver Normoxic Diver is offline
Εγγραφή: 24-06-2007
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PADI Oxygen Provider Course

PADI Americas Launches Emergency Oxygen Provider Course

New program to improve diver accident preparedness by training more divers on emergency oxygen delivery.
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA. 12 March, 2008. The Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) is launching the new Emergency Oxygen Provider Specialty course with the goal of improving diver accident preparedness by teaching how and when to give oxygen to an injured diver.
Providing emergency oxygen after a dive accident may be the most significant factor contributing to a successful outcome in treating dive injuries. “While decompression illness and near-drowning diving accidents are rare, they do occur,” says Drew Richardson, President and Chief Operating Officer, PADI Worldwide. “Yet, only 50 percent of all injured divers receive emergency oxygen in the field. Fewer still receive oxygen concentrations approaching the recommended 100 percent. PADI believes that we must do better than this. Using PADI’s global influence and reach, this new specialty course will improve the percentage of injured divers receiving appropriate and effective emergency oxygen treatment.”

Course Overview
The new PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider Specialty course is an entry-level emergency oxygen course that also teaches the recognition of dive illnesses treatable by emergency oxygen. Though suited for divers, the new course has no prerequisites and doesn’t include dives, which means it is equally applicable to those who are around divers – boat crew, nondiving buddies, lifeguards, and shore staff. No previous CPR or first aid training is required to take the course.

Course Materials
The course is supported by an instructor guide and new student materials, including the Emergency Oxygen Provider Manual, a 52-page, richly illustrated self-study manual and skill development guide. An innovative add-on is the new Emergency Oxygen Care at a Glance Reference card, which offers detailed prompts for providing emergency oxygen. The new reference card, an addendum to the existing PADI Accident Management Work Slate, guides users through the process of providing emergency oxygen from start to finish. The manual and Emergency Care at a Glance Reference card are packaged together in a convenient participant Crew-Pak.
“dive to express NOT to impress”....anonymous diver
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Παλιά 16-04-08, 10:56
Το avatar του χρήστη Andreas Triantopoulos
Andreas Triantopoulos Andreas Triantopoulos is offline
Εγγραφή: 18-09-2007
Περιοχή: Αθήνα
Μηνύματα: 645
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Εάν χρειάζεστε περισσότερες πληροφορίες....Μe PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider Instructor!
I never get narced, or pee in my wetsuit
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Παλιά 16-04-08, 12:23
Το avatar του χρήστη neokles
neokles neokles is offline
Μέλος του Συλλόγου ΤΗΘΥΣ
Εγγραφή: 04-06-2007
Περιοχή: Ν. Ψυχικό
Μηνύματα: 1.172
Απάντηση: PADI Oxygen Provider Course

Αυτό που δεν έχω καταλάβει είναι τι added value έχει αυτό το course σε ότι αφορά έναν Rescue Diver ο οποίος έχει διδαχθεί ποτε πρέπει και πως να δίνει Οξυγόνο.

2 πράγματα συμβαίνουν:

Αν απευθύνεται κυρίως σε μη Rescue δύτες ή μη δύτης τότε ΟΚ
Μήπως όμως σημαίνει ότι κομάτια από το EFR/Rescue θα αφαιρεθούν και θα διδάσκονται ξεχωριστά στο O2 provider;

Προσοχή δεν λέω ότι δεν έχει added value, λέω ότι ακόμα δεν την έχω βρει και αφού έχουμε εδώ το θύμα (Instructor) είπα να ρωτήσω
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Παλιά 17-04-08, 15:53
Το avatar του χρήστη Andreas Triantopoulos
Andreas Triantopoulos Andreas Triantopoulos is offline
Εγγραφή: 18-09-2007
Περιοχή: Αθήνα
Μηνύματα: 645
Απάντηση: PADI Oxygen Provider Course

H Official απάντηση:

The course is open to both divers and nondivers because it includes practical training but no dives. The PADI Emergency
Oxygen Provider course knowledge development is ideally completed as self-study; and practical skills may be practiced in
the classroom, by a pool, on the beach or on a dive boat allowing for great scheduling flexibility. With a natural link to
the PADI Rescue Diver course, PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider can serve as an enhanced substitute for the emergency
oxygen segment in that course.

Rescue Course Integration
The PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider course can be seamlessly integrated with the PADI
Rescue Diver course and allowing your students to earn both the PADI Rescue Diver and PADI
Specialty certifications. This integration can be accomplished by substituting certain sections of
the PADI Rescue Diver course with the PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider course. Using the
Knowledge Developmentand Skills Development charts in your PADI Emergency Oxygen
Provider Instructor Guide to assist you it becomes this simple:

A. When your PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider Course students read their PADI Emergency
Oxygen Provider Manual, it can be in lieu of:
Rescue Diver Knowledge Development Presentation 1:
C. Being Prepared for a Diver Emergency
2. Emergency Oxygen Delivery Systems
Rescue Diver Knowledge Development Presentation 4:
C. Accident Management
1. First Aid for Decompression
2. Near Drowning
Rescue Diver Knowledge Development Presentation 5:
B. Being Prepared for Diver Emergency
1. Use of Emergency Oxygen
B. When the students attend PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider skill development session, it
can be in lieu of:
Rescue Exercise 9 First Aid for Pressure related injuries and Oxygen Administration

Note: While First Aid and CPR training is not required for the PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider Course, it is still
required in the PADI Rescue Diver Course prior to Knowledge Development Presentation Two and Rescue Training
Session Two.

Course Materials
The PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider course materials include the:
PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider Specialty Course Instructor Guide
PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider Manual
PADI Emergency Oxygen Care at a Glance reference This handy reference is perfect to
keep in your Oxygen or First Aid Kit. It works well with the PADI Accident Management
Workslate when it recommends oxygen by offering detailed prompts for providing
oxygen; from setting up the equipment to administering the oxygen.

Equipment Requirements
Specialty equipment
Refillable, variable rate emergency oxygen unit that includes the following:
Oxygen cylinder and valve
Filled oxygen cylinder for students to breathe from during the course
Multifunction regulator capable of delivering at least 15 litresperminute (lpm) of oxygen
Nonrebreather mask
Pocket mask with oxygen inlet
Demand inhalator valve with mask
Manually triggered resuscitator valve with mask
Manually triggered resuscitator valve (only required when teaching this Optional Skill)
I never get narced, or pee in my wetsuit
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Παλιά 17-04-08, 16:19
Το avatar του χρήστη neokles
neokles neokles is offline
Μέλος του Συλλόγου ΤΗΘΥΣ
Εγγραφή: 04-06-2007
Περιοχή: Ν. Ψυχικό
Μηνύματα: 1.172
Απάντηση: PADI Oxygen Provider Course

Ευχαριστώ Ανδρέα,

Για να μαι ειλικρινής έκανα scroll down για να βρω το unofficial, γιατί το official πιο πολύ με μπέρδεψε. Το παραπάνω που είναι; Στο Rescue Diver είχα όντως μάθει να χειρίζομαι οξυγόνο. Μπορώ να πω ότι όντως σε ένα ατύχημα θα μπορέσω να δώσω οξυγόνο. Τι παραπάνω θα με μάθει το course να κάνω που ενδεχομένως να μου χρειαστεί σε ένα καταδυτικό ατύχημα;

Είμαι σίγουρος ότι θα μας μάθει παραπάνω πράγματα απλά θέλω να τα ξεκαθαρίσω στο μυαλό μου (μας).
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Παλιά 17-04-08, 22:56
Το avatar του χρήστη GKanel
GKanel GKanel is offline
Μέλος του Συλλόγου ΤΗΘΥΣ
Εγγραφή: 01-02-2007
Περιοχή: Αθήνα
Μηνύματα: 2.157
Απάντηση: PADI Oxygen Provider Course

Αντρέα, μήπως ξέρεις το κόστος του σχολείου, πάνω κάτω;
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Παλιά 08-05-08, 13:21
Το avatar του χρήστη Andreas Triantopoulos
Andreas Triantopoulos Andreas Triantopoulos is offline
Εγγραφή: 18-09-2007
Περιοχή: Αθήνα
Μηνύματα: 645
Απάντηση: PADI Oxygen Provider Course

Αρχικό μήνυμα απο neokles Εμφάνιση μηνυμάτων
Ευχαριστώ Ανδρέα,

Για να μαι ειλικρινής έκανα scroll down για να βρω το unofficial, γιατί το official πιο πολύ με μπέρδεψε. Το παραπάνω που είναι; Στο Rescue Diver είχα όντως μάθει να χειρίζομαι οξυγόνο. Μπορώ να πω ότι όντως σε ένα ατύχημα θα μπορέσω να δώσω οξυγόνο. Τι παραπάνω θα με μάθει το course να κάνω που ενδεχομένως να μου χρειαστεί σε ένα καταδυτικό ατύχημα;

Είμαι σίγουρος ότι θα μας μάθει παραπάνω πράγματα απλά θέλω να τα ξεκαθαρίσω στο μυαλό μου (μας).
Αγαπητέ Νεοκλή,

Στο rescue course προφανώς σου έμαθαν να χειρίζεσαι το οξυγόνο και να το παρέχεις από μία πηγή, άντε δύο. Στο συγκεκριμένο course διδάσκονται περισσότεροι εάν όχι όλοι οι τρόποι παροχής και κάνεις πρακτική εξάσκηση σε αυτούς.. όπως:

Refillable, variable rate emergency oxygen unit that includes the following:
Oxygen cylinder and valve
Filled oxygen cylinder for students to breathe from during the course
Multifunction regulator capable of delivering at least 15 litres per minute (lpm) of oxygen
Nonrebreather mask
Pocket mask with oxygen inlet
Demand inhalator valve with mask
Manually triggered resuscitator valve with mask
Manually triggered resuscitator valve

όπως καταλαβαίνεις η χρήση των παραπάνω μεθόδων απαιτεί λίγη εξάσκηση.

Επίσης δίνεται η δυνατότητα να μάθεις περισσότερα πράγματα για τη θεωρία της χρήσης οξυγόνου στα καταδυτικά ατυχήματα.

Αυτά τα ολίγα, σε λίγες μέρες θα έχω και το νέο manual στα χέρια μου και θα σας πώ περισσότερα εάν θέλετε.


I never get narced, or pee in my wetsuit

Τελευταία επεξεργασία από το χρήστη Andreas Triantopoulos : 08-05-08 στις 13:27.
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