Αρχικό μήνυμα απο Normoxic Diver
A very talented and expressive diver from Italy described .... light as our underwater voice – a very concise, descriptive and accurate explanation of how useful our light can be if used correctly.
Rather than a tool to light up the fish, good use of a light can act as a tool to communicate both passive and active signals. The mere presence of your buddy’s light beam tells you he is there. It starts to flash from side to side slowly, he wants you to look around. It starts to move with urgency there is a problem – look to him immediately and be ready to share gas.
In order to signal with our light we need a tight beam which gives us a spot that we can position where required.
Με τόση διαύγεια που έχουν τα νερά της Μεσογείου είναι αρκετά δυσκολο να τραβήξεις τη προσοχή του συντρόφου σου με το φακό (τη μέρα). Τώρα για καταδύσεις (μέρα) που η ορατότητα είναι 5-7 μέτρα είναι ένα πολύ καλό μέσω για επικοινωνία.