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Εργαλεία Θεμάτων Τρόποι εμφάνισης
Παλιά 07-12-10, 10:47
Skipper Skipper is offline
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Απάντηση: shark attack!!!!!!!!!!! sharm

Αφορμής δοθείσης, να και μια 'δυνατή' διήγηση περιστατικού από τον Bret Gilliam

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Παλιά 07-12-10, 16:09
Το avatar του χρήστη Manta
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Εγγραφή: 03-07-2007
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Απάντηση: shark attack!!!!!!!!!!! sharm


CDWS shark incident update: diving possible tomorrow in Sharm el Sheikh
6 December 2010 14:00
The majority of areas in Sharm el Sheikh will be open to diving activities for CDWS members and their clients tomorrow (7 December), however, please note a series of restrictions apply on where these can take place and on client experience. All snorkel activities and other watersports - with the exception of glass bottom boat operations - remain suspended in the whole of the Sharm el Sheikh coastal area.
Qualified diving clients, who must have a minimum of 50 logged dives, are permitted to participate in scuba activities run by CDWS members in the areas of Tiran and all sites south of Naama Bay. Diving remains completely banned at this time in the area between Ras Nasrani to the north of Naama Bay where the Ras Mohammed National Park teams are currently working.
Under NO circumstances are introductory or training dives permitted to take place in the sea anywhere in Sharm el Sheikh until CDWS members are notified otherwise.
Following discussions with sharks experts and a series of exploratory dives, it was decided that the areas to be opened, which include the Ras Mohammed National Park and popular sites such as the Thistlegorm, were safe for experienced diving activities. CDWS would like to make it clear that no divers have been involved in any of the incidents reported.
CDWS is working with four world-renowned shark experts at this time. Three of the experts will be arriving over the next two days in Sharm el Sheikh to form an advisory team to try to assess and advise on the best course of action following the four shark attacks in areas north of Naama Bay this week.
Dr George H Burgess, the director of the Florida Program and curator of the International Shark Attack File at the Florida Museum of Natural History for Shark Research, is flying to the resort today. Arriving tomorrow are: Dr Marie Levine, head of the Shark Research Institute in Princeton, USA, and Dr Ralph Collier, of the Shark Research Committee and author of Shark Attacks of the Twentieth Century. Shark behavioural expert Dr Erich Ritter is assisting from his research centre based in the USA. The Ministry of Tourism (MoT) is funding all the costs involved.
A Swedish research vessel is currently surveying the topography of the ocean around Sharm el Sheikh in order to supply data to shark experts to assist their work. CDWS enlisted the help of this vessel to carry out the topography survey and secured all the relevant permissions.
CDWS would like to assure all members that the organisation is working continuously with all the relevant authorities and shark experts to try to resolve this situation in the most appropriate and safe way for all concerned. The CDWS also stresses to all members and the public that it does not in any way condone the random killing of sharks.
The happiness of the bee and the dolphin is to exist. For man it is to know that and to wonder at it.”
Jacques Cousteau

Why can't I just dive more often!

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Παλιά 10-12-10, 11:52
Tiburon Tiburon is offline
Εγγραφή: 18-01-2008
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Απάντηση: shark attack!!!!!!!!!!! sharm

Από http://www.cdws.travel/chamber-news.aspx?id=39

CDWS statement: 9 December 14:00

Thursday, 9 December 2010

CDWS statement: 9 December 14:00
1. Preliminary findings of shark scientific team 2. Sharm el Sheikh diving restrictions remain in place until further notice The three international shark experts are continuing to work with authorities in Egypt to determine the causal factors involved in the spate of shark attacks in Sharm el Sheikh. The team is progressing with its scientific research and is verifying available data, as well as evidence gathered through eye witness reports from people both in the water and at the shore at the time of each of the five attacks on snorkellers. Scientists have indicated that their findings, up to now, suggest two species were involved in the attacks: one oceanic whitetip shark and one mako shark. Initial investigations by shark experts and marine scientists suggest factors that may have contributed - but are not limited to - the causes of behavioural change in sharks involved in attacks include the following: *One or more incidents of illegal dumping of animal carcasses in nearby waters *Depletion of natural prey in the area caused by overfishing *Localised feeding of reef fish and/or sharks by swimmers, snorkellers and some divers *Unusually high water temperatures in Sharm el Sheikh CDWS would like to make it clear these are NOT the final conclusions, and that the investigation is still ongoing. The CDWS would also like to underline that it has NOT been, or will be, involved in any shark hunts. The restrictions placed on diving and watersports activities along the Sharm el Sheikh coast will continue until further notice. The majority of areas in Sharm el Sheikh remain open to diving activities for CDWS members and their clients, however, there are restrictions on where these can take place and on client experience. Qualified diving clients, who must have a minimum of 50 logged dives, are permitted to participate in scuba activities run by boat by CDWS members in the following areas: - area of Tiran - all dive sites south of Naama Bay to Ras Mohammed National Park - the entire area of Ras Mohammed National Park

Diving remains completely banned at this time in the area between Ras Nasrani to the north of Naama Bay. No shore diving is permitted anywhere in the Sharm el Sheikh area.
Under NO circumstances are introductory or training dives permitted to take place in the sea anywhere in Sharm el Sheikh until CDWS members are notified otherwise. However, training and introductory diving activities are able to take place in other resorts, such as Dahab.

CDWS chairman Hesham Gabr said: "It is widely known sharks behave very differently towards divers in the water. However, as an extra precaution, only experienced divers are permitted to take part in guided activities in Sharm el Sheikh at this time. The 50 logged dive limit is a benchmark judged in recognised scuba standards to ensure divers have good buoyancy and control underwater and behave in a calm and controlled manner."
Egyptian authorities confirmed restrictions currently in place along the Sharm el Sheikh coast, will remain until further notice. Snorkelling activities and other watersports remain heavily restricted - with the exception of glass bottom boat operations - along the whole of the Sharm el Sheikh coastal area. Swimming/snorkelling in the sea is only in designated safe, natural sheltered bay areas within the Ras Mohammed National and the Nabq National Park.

Holidaymakers can continue to enjoy their holidays in resort and are able to swim in the many swimming pools of hotels and also have access to sunbathe on the beaches.
Any decision to reassess restrictions will be made only when the scientific work by the team of experts is completed. Safety of visitors is of the upmost concern to all the authorities involved.

The scientific work is currently in phase one: the diagnostic phase. Once this is complete, phase two will involve the exploration of options to deal with the factors of the diagnostic phase. The third phase will be the implementation of chosen options. Phase four will cover the long-term measures that will be taken.

Editor's notes:

The Chamber of Diving and Watersports is the regulatory body for diving and water sports in Egypt. Operating under the umbrella of the Egyptian Tourist Authority, CDWS have implemented a set of European standards to which all members must comply. According to Egyptian Law, it is required that all diving operations be a member of CDWS in order to obtain or renew their operating license issued by the Ministry of Tourism. For more information regarding CDWS visit www.cdws.travel

Shark experts working with the marine scientific team:
Dr George H Burgess, the director of the Florida Program and curator of the International Shark Attack File at the Florida Museum of Natural History for Shark Research. Dr Marie Levine, head of the Shark Research Institute in Princeton, USA. Dr Ralph Collier, of the Shark Research Committee and author of Shark Attacks of the Twentieth Century.
For further information please contact Laura Coppa by email laura.coppa@cdws.travel or Mary Gleeson mary.gleeson@cdws.travel

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Παλιά 14-12-10, 11:25
Το avatar του χρήστη Physalia
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Εγγραφή: 29-01-2007
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Απάντηση: shark attack!!!!!!!!!!! sharm

Egyptian shark attacks blamed on overfishing, illegal waste and irresponsible tourists
The fish doesn't think because the fish knows everything
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Παλιά 21-12-10, 10:09
Το avatar του χρήστη GKanel
GKanel GKanel is offline
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Εγγραφή: 01-02-2007
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Απάντηση: shark attack!!!!!!!!!!! sharm

Τι άλλο θα μας πούνε στον βωμό του τουρισμού!!!

προσοχή πέφτουν Σέρβοι...

Σερβος τουριστας σκοτωσε τον καρχαρια που εσπειρε τρομο στις ακτες του Σαρμ ελ Σεικ της Αιγυπτου.
Ο καρχαριας που τραυματισε 4 και δολοφονησε 1 ανθρωπο τις προηγουμενες μερες και τον οποιο χωρις αποτελεσμα ψαχναν εδω και μερες ολα τα λιμενικα πλοια της Αιγυπτου, αμεριμνος κολυμπουσε κοντα στις ακτες του γνωστου θερετρου.
Ξαφνικα, ενα δυνατο χτυπημα στο κεφαλι του καταφερε να τον σκοτωσει ακαριαια.
Το χτυπημα προηλθε απο το αριστερο ποδι ενος Σερβου τουριστα, που τυφλα στο μεθυσι ...εκανε επιδειξη θαρρους, πηδωντας απο εναν πανυψηλο βραχο της ακτης. Ο Ντραγαν Στεβιτς, μαζι με εναν φιλο του, τον Μιλοβαν Ουμπιπαριπ, γλεντουσαν και πινανε ολη τη νυχτα, και τα χαραματα αποφασισαν να βγαλουν φωτογραφιες απο τον βραχο, και να ξεσουρωσουν λιγο. Αφου τραβηξαν τις φωτογραφιες, ο Στεβιτς ηθελε να κανει ενα θαρραλεο αλμα απο ψηλα, και πηδηξε ακριβως πανω στο.... κεφαλι του καρχαρια.
Παρ οτι η θαρραλεα πραξη του Στεβιτς εγινε αθελα του, οι αρχες της Αιγυπτου, αφου διαπιστωσαν οτι προκειται για τον ζητουμενο καρχαρια, αποφασισαν να επιβραβευσουν τον Στεβιτς και τον φιλο του, διοτι καταφεραν να σωσουν την τουριστικη τους περιοδο. Το Υπουργειο Τουρισμου ευχαριστησε επισημα τους Σερβους τουριστες, και λεγεται οτι η κυβερνηση της Αιγυπτου θα τους χαρισει δωρεαν διακοπες τα επομενα 10 χρονια και θα τους τιμησουν βαζοντας τα ονοματα τους στον οδο της Σερβο-Αιγυπτιακης φιλιας.
Ο Σερβος νοσηλευεται ακομα σε νοσοκομειο της Αιγυπτου, διοτι κατα την πτωση πανω στον καρχαρια, στραμπουληξε το ποδι του...

πηγη: http://tro-ma-ktiko.blogspot.com
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Παλιά 21-12-10, 12:23
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Παλιά 22-12-10, 22:11
Το avatar του χρήστη seafarer
seafarer seafarer is offline
Εγγραφή: 21-07-2007
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Απάντηση: shark attack!!!!!!!!!!! sharm

Αρχικό μήνυμα απο GKanel Εμφάνιση μηνυμάτων
Τι άλλο θα μας πούνε στον βωμό του τουρισμού!!!

προσοχή πέφτουν Σέρβοι...

Aποκλείεται να γράφτηκε σοβαρά αυτόοοοοο...........
Δεν το πιστεύω
Να σέβεσαι την θάλασσα. Είναι ανώτερη από 'σένα. Πάντα ήταν. Πάντα θα 'ναι!
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Παλιά 17-01-11, 13:35
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Παλιά 17-01-11, 15:01
Το avatar του χρήστη seafarer
seafarer seafarer is offline
Εγγραφή: 21-07-2007
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Μηνύματα: 962
Απάντηση: shark attack!!!!!!!!!!! sharm

Θού κύριε, φυλακί το στοματί μου....

Να σέβεσαι την θάλασσα. Είναι ανώτερη από 'σένα. Πάντα ήταν. Πάντα θα 'ναι!
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