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Poseidon Manufacturing error-WARNING!
Πρόβλημα με Poseidon Besae W50
WARNING There seems to be a manufacturing error on the inner bladder that is mounted in our W50 wings, that causes the seem that holds the two inner bladder halves together, to break, making the wing unfit as a floating device. It seems to be inner bladders marked with batch number 5445 (see picture below) that is effected by the manufacturing error. These inner bladders have been mounted in W50 wings sold during the period: 2007-09-16 - 2008-06-10. To check if you have an inner bladder effected by this manufacturing error, do the following:
If you have an inner bladder from batch no 5445, we recommend that you DO NOT dive with the wing, until the inner bladder has been replaced! Poseidon Diving Systems AB will replace all W50 inner bladders from manufacturing batch no 5445. We ask you, who has an inner bladder from manufacturing batch 5445, to contact the dive store where you bought your W50 wing as soon as possible, so that your W50 bladder can be replaced as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the manufacturing error was not detectable at the quality control that each inner bladder is put through prior to delivery. Poseidon Diving Systems apologizes for the inconvenience this is causing but we hope to be able to replace these inner bladders as quickly as possible! http://www.poseidon.se/
“The happiness of the bee and the dolphin is to exist. For man it is to know that and to wonder at it.” Jacques Cousteau Why can't I just dive more often! http://www.postimage.org/aV2OmUL0.jpg |